JSF 2.0 on glassfish v3 prelude

I decided to start using JSF 2.0 after Dr. Horstmann’s positive review of its features over the last few posts in his blog. Since my current set up is Netbeans 6.5 + glassfish v3 prelude as the server, I decided to update the JSF implementation to 2.0 in glassfish.

Following Dr. Horstmann’s instructions here, I downloaded the latest nightly build jars from here and copied over the 2 jars into glassfish. However, the update tool did not reflect this copy and still showed that I had JSF 1.2.

Since this didnt work, I next decided to run the updater jar and this ended up giving me the same error which was reported here on java.net.

Finally, Dr. Horstmann told me he discovered that deleting the existing JSF 1.2 implementation from glassfish v3 prelude allows the user to then add JSF 2.0.9 as an add on through the update tool. Hallelujah! This finally worked.

I’m really surprised though that the updater jar they expect to work so consistently failed for me and a couple other people who reported the same problems. Also, life would’ve been so much easier if glassfish allowed the user to update to JSF 2.0.9 without having to go through all the circus of manually trying to update the existing set up.

Anyway, if wishes were horses……